Monday, April 30, 2007

Hey looky here

I'm trying to renew my New Yorker subscription, but don't see it cheaper than $47.

Can anyone beat that?

DOJ being run by scumbags

You can read about the Dep't of Justice fiaso here.
It seems incredible to me that Gonzales has managed to ruin so much so quickly; One wonders if Ashcroft started the ball rolling downhill.

On the OE thing

I should add that the OE is an alternative program for those attending Christian Colleges. I think it would do well for you to visit the link above if you're in a Christan College.


One thing I've neglected is linking to the Oregon Extension web site, so here tis.

I'm also running the OE journal web site, so here is that one.

The latest blog

I've tried it before and never followed up. Let's have a go.

George Tenet is saying all kinds of things in his interviews. I have yet to hear the phrase "slam dunk"

Yahoo! Music Videos